/** @module */
import matches from "./matches.js";
* Recursively walk all "normal" rules, i.e. rules with selectors
* @param rules {Object|Array} AST or array of CSS rules
* @param callback {Function} Function to be executed for each matching rule. Rule passed as the only argument.
* @param [test] {Object}
* @param test.rules {string|RegExp|Function|Array} Which rules the callback runs on
* @param test.type {string|RegExp|Function|Array} Which rule types the walker runs on
* @param test.ancestors {string|RegExp|Function|Array} Which rules the walker descends on
* @return The return value of the callback (which also breaks the loop) or undefined.
export default function walkRules(rules, callback, test) {
if (!rules) {
if (!Array.isArray(rules)) {
// AST passed
rules = rules.stylesheet.rules;
for (let rule of rules) {
if (!test ||
matches(rule, test && test.rules)
&& matches(rule.type, test && test.type)
&& !matches(rule, test.not && test.not.rules, true)
&& !matches(rule.type, test.not && test.not.type, true)
) {
let ret = callback(rule);
if (ret !== undefined) {
// Break loop and return immediately
return ret;
if (
matches(rule, test && test.ancestors)
&& !matches(rule, test && test.not && test.not.ancestors, true)
) {
if (rule.rules) {
walkRules(rule.rules, callback, test);